drip drop中文什么意思

发音:   用"drip drop"造句
  • drip:    n. 1.滴,点滴,水滴;滴下,滴滴 ...
  • drop:    n. 1.滴;液滴,水滴。 2.〔p ...
  • drip-drop:    n. 不断的滴水;滴水穿石效应,潜移 ...
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  1. Listens although like the sounds of nature is remote , actually selects the intravenous drip drop knocks the heart gate , likely the old friend , from time to time elegantly simple is tranquil , from time to timethe affection leisurely purely is delightful but the nature comfortable music is all been drunk the person mind , the steady rhythm strikes intense and the warm drum sound , quite the same as sinks is drunk besides the paradise


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  9. drip feed carburizing 什么意思
  10. drip feed lubricaor 什么意思


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